How to create additional thumbnails of custom size in nextgen gallery while uploading images?

Is there any way out to create additional thumbnails of custom size in nextgen gallery while uploading images?
For example I would like to create 3 thumbnails of size 25*30, 100*50, and 400*350 to display them in certain custom pages.Or can i add custom code to resize when image upload is triggered and if so where?

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  1. Make shure your theme function have

    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    to add a custom image size use

    add_image_size( 'thumb-one', 25, 30 );

    for more details have a looh here

  2. If you want to write a custom function to re-size the thumbnails you need to have a look at in the lib folder of the plugin. This is where the thumbnails are generated.

    Alternatively you can create custom a template for displaying different thumbnail sizes.

    If you have a look in the view folder anyone of those files will give you a clue as to how to create a template for the plugin.

    Once you create a template you can display it with a shortcode like [ nggallery id=X template=your_template ]