I would like to write a custom plugin that adds a custom panel below the post compose panel that will have a few fields and a submit button. JS will kick-in to submit content to the database, without saving or interfering with the post save/submit mechanism.
The purpose is to save data to be used and quickly access while writing a post. I could do a plugin settings page, but I don’t like the idea of using two screens when it can be done at the same place 🙂
I saw the Custom Fields plugins, but they add value to a post while I want something more flexible that is created while writing a post but not necessarily linked to this post.
I can’t seem to find how to do this…
In the WordPress World it is called “Meta box” and in your case it would be the same as for posts the only thing you would need to do different is the save function that should save the data in the options table , here is a modified example from the codex that should work for you as a starting point: