My website having feature requirement of blogging. I have to make blog which would look same like my website appearance.
How to combine CodeIgniter and WordPress blogging(only) functionality such that it should look like within same website?
I have seen this question: WordPress template with codeigniter. But didn’t got much clue.
Seems like a bit of overkill.
Why not use a Restful service like json_api to retrieve your posts, then copy over the css file(parts)?
You do this you will need to create 2 files and modify 2 existing functions. One function is in CodeIgniter and the other is in WordPress.
Here are the steps.
1.) Open your configs/hooks.php file and create a pre_controller hook as follows:
2.) Create a new file in your helpers directory called ‘wordpress_helper.php’, and add the following code to it:
3.) Open wp-includes/link-template.php and made the following edit:
4.) Copy url_helper.php from the CodeIgniter helper folder to your APPPATH helper folder
and make the following edit:
The steps above will allow you to dynamically load either your CI app or your WP site based on some simple filtering. It also gives you access to all CI functionality within WP of that is something you can use.