How to change which user:group apache/php uploads files as in Drupal and WordPress?

I am trying to figure out how to change how files are uploaded on both my Drupal and WordPress installs on the same server. The files are being saved with the Apache user and Apache group, but I want them to be saved with the default FTP account and Apache group, this way they will correspond to the recommend settings by both blog systems.

This is how it is uploading now:
-rw-rw—- 1 wwwrun www 94144 Aug 11 10:17 image.jpg

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Like it to be:
-rw-rw—- 1 useracct www 94144 Aug 11 10:17 image.jpg

I know the permissions are being set by a php script inside WordPress based on the parent folder permissions, but not sure where the user:group is being set.

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1 comment

  1. Use php-fpm + mod_proxy_fcgi to run you PHP content outside of the httpd process under whichever user you like (useracct)

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