How to change this complex function to a simple redirect

I have been making some changes to a wordpress ecommerce plugin and I’ve taken out a ton of functions to make it simpler for my needs. Now it won’t redirect to the thankyou page after the purchase button is pressed because the function uses some variables that I got rid of like order_id, etc.

I’ve been working on this for a few hours now, and all I want it to do is redirect to thankyou.php on the click of the purchase button. (I know right now it uses ajax, and I wouldn’t mind using it too) I don’t need it to go to the processpayment function or anything like that. Really simple.

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Here is the code and the functions that I’m working with:

Thanks so much!!!

Input element:

<div id="payment">

        <div class="form-row">

            <noscript><?php _e('Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the <em>Update Totals</em> button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so.', 'jigoshop'); ?><br/><input type="submit" class="button-alt" name="update_totals" value="<?php _e('Update totals', 'jigoshop'); ?>" /></noscript>

            <?php jigoshop::nonce_field('process_checkout')?>
            <input type="submit" class="button-alt" name="place_order" id="place_order" value="<?php _e('Next Step', 'jigoshop'); ?>" />

            <?php do_action( 'jigoshop_review_order_before_submit' ); ?>

            <?php if (get_option('jigoshop_terms_page_id')>0) : ?>
            <p class="form-row terms">
                <label for="terms" class="checkbox"><?php _e('I accept the', 'jigoshop'); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(get_option('jigoshop_terms_page_id')); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('terms &amp; conditions', 'jigoshop'); ?></a></label>
                <input type="checkbox" class="input-checkbox" name="terms" <?php if (isset($_POST['terms'])) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> id="terms" />
            <?php endif; ?>

            <?php do_action( 'jigoshop_review_order_after_submit' ); ?>




        // Process Payment
                    $result = $available_gateways["cheque"]->process_payment( $order_id );

                    // Redirect to success/confirmation/payment page

                        if (is_ajax()) : 
                            echo json_encode($result);
                        else :
                            wp_safe_redirect( $result['redirect'] );

                else :

                    // No payment was required for order

                    // Empty the Cart

                    // Redirect to success/confirmation/payment page
                    $checkout_redirect = apply_filters( 'jigoshop_get_checkout_redirect_page_id', get_option( 'jigoshop_thanks_page_id' ) );
                    if (is_ajax()) : 
                        echo json_encode( array( 'redirect' => get_permalink( $checkout_redirect ) ) );
                    else :
                        wp_safe_redirect( get_permalink( $checkout_redirect ) );


                // Break out of loop

process payment function:

function process_payment() {

        // Remove cart

        // Return thankyou redirect
        $checkout_redirect = apply_filters( 'jigoshop_get_checkout_redirect_page_id', get_option( 'jigoshop_thanks_page_id' ) );
        return array(
            'result'    => 'success',
            'redirect'  => add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, add_query_arg('order', $order_id, get_permalink( $checkout_redirect )))


Here is the error details I’m getting from firebug:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

After I turned debugging on, I got these errors:

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_enabled in
on line 710

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_enabled in
on line 710

Notice: Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_URL – assumed ‘PLUGIN_URL’ in
on line 81

Notice: Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_PATH – assumed ‘PLUGIN_PATH’
on line 82

Notice: Undefined index: host in
on line 2306

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-first_name in
on line 198

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-last_name in
on line 199

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-company in
on line 200

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-address in
on line 201

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-address-2 in
on line 202

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-city in
on line 203

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-state in
on line 204

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-postcode in
on line 205

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-country in
on line 206


Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in
on line 211

Notice: Undefined index: order_comments in
on line 256

Notice: Undefined index: billing-company in
on line 264

Notice: Undefined index: billing-address in
on line 265

Notice: Undefined index: billing-address-2 in
on line 266

Notice: Undefined index: billing-city in
on line 267

Notice: Undefined index: billing-postcode in
on line 268

Notice: Undefined index: billing-country in
on line 269

Notice: Undefined index: billing-state in
on line 270

Notice: Undefined index: billing-phone in
on line 272

Notice: Undefined index: shipping_method in
on line 282

Notice: Undefined index: payment_method in
on line 283

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_edit in
on line 1105

Notice: Undefined index: nonce-aioseop-edit in
on line 1106


Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in
on line 364

Notice: Undefined variable: available_gateways in
on line 379


Fatal error: Call to a member function process_payment() on a
non-object in
on line 379

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_enabled in
on line 710

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_enabled in
on line 710

Notice: Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_URL – assumed ‘PLUGIN_URL’ in
on line 81

Notice: Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_PATH – assumed ‘PLUGIN_PATH’
on line 82

Notice: Undefined index: host in
on line 2306

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-first_name in
on line 198

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-last_name in
on line 199

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-company in
on line 200

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-address in
on line 201

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-address-2 in
on line 202

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-city in
on line 203

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-state in
on line 204

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-postcode in
on line 205

Notice: Undefined index: shipping-country in
on line 206

Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in
on line 211

Notice: Undefined index: order_comments in
on line 256

Notice: Undefined index: billing-company in
on line 264

Notice: Undefined index: billing-address in
on line 265

Notice: Undefined index: billing-address-2 in
on line 266

Notice: Undefined index: billing-city in
on line 267

Notice: Undefined index: billing-postcode in
on line 268

Notice: Undefined index: billing-country in
on line 269

Notice: Undefined index: billing-state in
on line 270

Notice: Undefined index: billing-phone in
on line 272

Notice: Undefined index: shipping_method in
on line 282

Notice: Undefined index: payment_method in
on line 283

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_edit in
on line 1105

Notice: Undefined index: nonce-aioseop-edit in
on line 1106

Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in
on line 364

Notice: Undefined variable: available_gateways in
on line 379


Fatal error: Call to a member function process_payment() on a
non-object in
on line 379

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_enabled in
on line 710

Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_enabled in
on line 710

Notice: Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_URL – assumed ‘PLUGIN_URL’ in
on line 81

Notice: Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_PATH – assumed ‘PLUGIN_PATH’
on line 82

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  1. There should be some text or json string in the response tab, but it’s empty. This could be a result of php error that is hidden because of php settings in your server is set to hide all error messages, which is good.

    Turn the debugging on see and try again. There should be some text in the response tab.

    Update turn debugging on:

    Something does not look right here. Do you get these errors when you send the Ajax request?

    Looking at these errors I can see you have fatal error which must have stopped the code execution.

    Fatal error: Call to a member function process_payment() on a non-object in /home2/findmyki/public_html/bolistylus/wp-content/plugins/jigoshop/classes/jigoshop_checkout.class.php on line 379

    You have modified the original file jigoshop_checkout.class.php so it is hard for me to find the exact lines for these errors. But “Notice: Undefined index: ” means there is an array variable in that line does not have an index of…

    The method ‘process_payment’ called once in this file

    // Process Payment
    $result = $available_gateways[$this->posted['payment_method']]->process_payment( $order_id );

    $available_gateways is an array with objects of different payment methods. But there is no object for the payment method defined in $this->posted[‘payment_method’]

    Also, I can see there is another error message state that the variable $available_gateways does not exists/defined

    Notice: Undefined variable: available_gateways in /home2/findmyki/public_html/bolistylus/wp-content/plugins/jigoshop/classes/jigoshop_checkout.class.php on line 379

    This variable can only be defined when jigoshop_cart::needs_payment() return true

    if (jigoshop_cart::needs_payment()) :
            // Payment Method
            $available_gateways = jigoshop_payment_gateways::get_available_payment_gateways();
            if (!isset($available_gateways[$this->posted['payment_method']])) :
                    jigoshop::add_error( __('Invalid payment method.','jigoshop') );
            else :
                    // Payment Method Field Validation
  2. <input type="button" value="Submit" onClick="location.href='thankyou.php';">

    If you don’t need it to do anything else try that. You may need to edit the href to go where you want it to go. It worked for me on my site.

    Also you can always have the action of the form redirect to another page then that page redirects to thank you page after processing.

    Just use header(‘Location: ‘); to redirect.