How to change font in WordPress header with zee style theme

I am stuck, i have created a website with WordPress with zee style theme. I also applied a plugin named “FONT” to edit style sheet and apply custom font. All worked fine, my font was uploaded to the service from where i used to change the header.
After update of WordPress and the zee style theme all my work just gone and I am not able to use that font any more. The tried to help me, they made couple of updates with no positive result. So i remove that plugin and I tried to do it my self by converting my font to woff format and used the code below but still not working. I am afraid I will have to redo whole website. Please help me to avoid that.

Update: I played with other themes and the problem is exactly the same. In my opinion it’s the WordPress it self making this problem.

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#logo h1 {
font-size: 2.5em;
color: #fff;
font-family: "jadem___";
src: url('jadem___.woff');

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  1. I think the proper way to do this would be to create a child theme and edit your stylesheet from there. This article explains it better than I can Tutorial

    This will sort of future-proof your theme and prevent it from changing if you update.

    Also changing fonts is something you can do quite easily without a plugin. Again someone else can explain this better than I can

    THis may see like a dodgy answer, but I think if you check those links it will make sense. This is the correct way to handle this long term and it’s easier than it looks. Hope this helps.