I am trying to add two custom fields to my categories (which I have done thanks to this answer – Any examples of adding custom fields to the category editor?)
And now I need to call them within my template (via a Headway custom code block).
I have seen a bunch of almost there examples, but I just can’t get it to work!
If you can please let me know the exact php I would need to use to call one of the fields I would be oh so grateful! Otherwise I’m resorting to a plugin (and I already have way too many!)
Here is the code
<h1 class="collapseomatic" title="Click for more" id="<?php the_ID();?>">
<?php single_cat_title(); ?>
<p>FIELD ONE </p>
<div id="target-<?php the_ID(); ?>"
class="collapseomatic_content force_content_collapse"
style="background: white; min-height: 16px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;">
<?php echo '<div class="seo_text"><p>'FIELD TWO'</p></div>'; ?>
<?php echo '<div class="seo_text"><p>'.category_description( $category_id ).'</p> </div>'; ?>
I have now tried to create a custom function
function ddgseo_title1() {
//get the current term
$term = get_term_by(
//get the saved category custom fields
$fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS);
if ( isset($fields[$term->term_id]) ) {
//extract just the needed term fields
$term_fields = $fields[$term->term_id];
//Now $term_fields holds all of your category fields so to get a specific field:
if ( isset($term_fields['_ce4-categoryTitle']) )
echo $term_fields['_ce4-categoryTitle'];
And am trying to call the title into the theme html with .ddgseo_title1()
but again no luck
If you are using the suggested method in the question you linked, then all of the category meta fields are stored in a single option in the options database table, so to get the data in your theme you need to get that option and extract the field from there, something like,