I’m trying to figure out how to authenticate a user via android (java). The app can successfully create a user but I’m not sure I’ve found any (or at least decent) documentation for the XMLRPC API WordPress has, and I tried the JSON-API AUTH User plugin but I can’t figure out how to post anything (can be found here: https://github.com/mattberg/wp-json-api-auth )
I’d appreciate either help on how to use the XMLRPC API or the git hub project or any other method you’ve found to work.
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for your question please refer to do for the plugiin JSON-api_auth… http://wordpress.org/support/topic/looking-for-this-in-ages#post-
I hope this help..
To authenticate user , you need authentication cookie that is usually generated once the user has given his/ her credentials to the respective platform the user wants to login same as in the browser . So to do so from android you need wordpress plug in that will help you with this task . example plug in is Json Api User . This plugin sits or is installed on top of JSON Api plug in . so to have JSON Api user installed you need to install first JSON Api plugin , then activate it . After that install JSON Api User then activate it . From there you can use the following link to generate authentication cookie from your android application .
http://www.your-domain.com/api/user/generate_auth_cookie/?insecure=cool&username=USER_NAME&password=PASSWORD .
If the user credentials provided are valid , the user will have the the result with status : “ok” then cookie : “SOME CHARACTERS” cookie_name : “SOME CHARACTER” and some other json key-value pair . Else if the credentials provided is not true the status key will have a value of “error” and also you will have an error key with its respective value .