My question is that how is it possible to apply the shortcode after that when someone clilcked on the button
The button:
<button class="apply">Apply class</button>
The shortcode:
function color_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
return '<span class="color">' . $content . '</span>';
add_shortcode( 'color', 'color_shortcode' );
The usage:
[color]This is colored[/color]
The work:
<span class="color">This is colored</span>
So somebody click on the Apply class button and after that where
[color]This is colored[/color]
was/were defined then it will be like this:
<span class="color">This is colored</span>
If something is not understandable please write and I will make changes!
I would be happy if its possible to solve with only php and/or css but if not thats not a problem.
Thank you for your kind help!