How to append _thumb to all media uploaded and media that is already uploaded to my wordpress blog

I was hoping to get some help on this one. I am looking to have appended to all images and media that get applied to a post via the upload tool in WordPress _thumb to the src of the media object.


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  1. Assuming you are trying to do this on the front-end, a simple solution would be something like the following:

    Assuming something like:

      <img src='image1.png'>
      <img src='image2.png'>

    jQuery as follows:

    var $allImages = $('img');
    $allImages.each( function() {
        var curUrl = $(this).attr('src');
        var newUrl = '_thumbs/' + curUrl;

    Would result in the following HTML:

     <img src='thumbs_/image1.png'>
     <img src='thumbs_/image2.png'>

    And finally a working example at jsfiddle –

    If you were trying to do this on the backend in PHP well then someone else will need to chime in 🙂