What (if any) is the hook or method for including named categories into the wp_list_pages function?
The end result would be that the categories are added onto the end of the list of pages (along with any child categories that exist, with proper ul/li nesting for drop down css to act on)…
Home | About | Contact | Category 1 | Category 2
Wouldn’t it be even easier to call
and customize your menu as you please from the admin menu?There are plenty of hooks in there (
is final output) and you can even pass your own Walker Class to it inwalker
argument. But I think this is going to be huge mess because of nesting and such.Why don’t just call
right after it with similar markup and style both so they look alike?Install the following plugin :
http://www.deluxeblogtips.com/meta-box/ (custom meta box)
This plugin will let you to create a checkbox list with customs categories values for your edit page.
I override the plugin from Tony Archambeau and implements a basic Walker class extended from Walker_Page (wp-includes/post-template.php l.977) and integrate a condition for my customs categories displayed as a class if they exist.
http://tonyarchambeau.com/blog/453-plugin-sitemap/ (generate a sitemap in a page thanks to a shortcode)
Here the source
Hoping that it will help you.