How to add a text-widget of a registered sidebar on wordpress’ dashboard?

I’m wondering if it is possible to add a specific text-widget($id) or either an entire dynamic_sidebar($id) in to the wordpress’ dashboard.

Actually, I just need the client to edit the text of a text-widget on dashboard, without going to the menu “Appearance > Widgets” — this section is hidden for this user role.

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If you can leave here some link or code, I’d appreciate it.
Thanks in advance

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  1. To solve this, my research led me to:

    The following is just a proof of concept based on the always excellent code of @Bainternet (in the Q about control_callback).

    The Dashboard Widget displays the title of a selected Text Widget it displays “Content of…” but should be “Title of…”

    Its configuration screen displays a dropdown with all Text Widgets of all Sidebars:

    Here’s the Appearance > Widgets screen

    Now, what’s left to implement is an editing interface (text input and so on) and save the proper values inside the option widget_text, using:
    update_option('widget_text', $a_VERY_well_structured_array_otherwise_things_will_break);.

    Plugin Name: Dashboard Widget to deal with Text Widgets
    Plugin URI:
    Description: based on Bainternet plugin
    Version: 0.1
    Author: brasofilo
    Author URI:
    // Register widget
    add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'add_dashboard_widget_wpse_77830' );
    function add_dashboard_widget_wpse_77830() 
            'Text Widgets', 
    // Show widget
    function dashboard_widget_wpse_77830() 
        //get saved data
        if ( !$widget_options = get_option( 'my_dashboard_widget_options' ) )
            $widget_options = array();
        $saved_txt_widget = isset( $widget_options['txt_widget'] ) ? $widget_options['txt_widget'] : '';
        echo "
        <p><strong>Content of the Widget</strong></p>
        <div class='txt_widget_class_wrap'>
            <label style='background:#ccc;'>&nbsp; {$saved_txt_widget}</label>
    // Configure and update widget
    function dashboard_widget_wpse_77830_handle()
        // Get saved data
        if ( !$widget_options = get_option( 'my_dashboard_widget_options' ) )
            $widget_options = array();
        // Process update
        if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['my_dashboard_widget_options']) ) 
            // Minor validation
            $widget_options['txt_widget'] = wp_kses( $_POST['my_dashboard_widget_options']['txt_widget'], array() );
            // Save update
            update_option( 'my_dashboard_widget_options', $widget_options );
        // Set defaults  
        if( !isset( $widget_options['txt_widget'] ) )
            $widget_options['txt_widget'] = ''; //you can set the default
        // Get Widget Text
        $txt = get_option( 'widget_text' );
        // Not necessary in the array
        // Start HTML
        echo "
        <p><strong>Available Text Widgets</strong></p>
        <div class='txt_widget_class_wrap'>
            <select name='my_dashboard_widget_options[txt_widget]' id='txt_widget'>";
        // Print options
        foreach( $txt as $t )
                '<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
                selected( $widget_options['txt_widget'], $t['title'], false ),
        // End HTML
        echo "