How to add a image_send_to_editor filter to a specific wp_editor instance

I want to add the filter to a custom wp_editor in a metabox. Is there a way to get the editor_id so it doesnt get applied to all editors? Thanks!

    $args = array(
         'quicktags' => true,
         'media_buttons' => true,
           'tinymce' => array(
                'toolbar1' => 'p123553_mce_button_headings,p123553_mce_button_quotes,',
                'toolbar2' => false,
                'plugins' => '',
    wp_editor('This is the default text!', 'p123553', $args);

public function p123553_filter_image_send_to_editor($content)
    $content .= $editor_id.'<p>Unicorns are awesome.</p>';

    return $content;

add_filter('image_send_to_editor',  'p123553_filter_image_send_to_editor');

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