How does the Stripe payment gateway work for the WP Shopping Cart?

I’m looking at the Stripe Payment Gateway for the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin ( and I’m wondering if anyone has used this.

The problem I’m anticipating is that Stripe has no support for accepting multiple items. So what will appear on the user’s Stripe report?

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A single total with nothing itemized?

What happens if the customer wants to return just one item.

Thanks for any insight here.

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  1. I like to use Stripe for subscriptions but if you want to work it like a shopping cart I would do:

    1. Check if the Stripe customer exists by retrieving a customer
    2. If the customer exists then add all the items as a new invoice item
    3. If the customer does not exist, create the customer then add the invoice item

    Just remember that you don’t have to have a plan or a subscription for your customer.

    Everything that you need to know can be found in the Stripe PHP documentation.

    Good luck and happy coding