How do I remove the bottom padding from a blockquote?

There is a lot of bottom padding on my blockquotes. I can’t get rid of it. See this image:

My CSS settings are:

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* {
blockquote {
width: 640px;
margin-bottom: 1em;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;

I outlined what I am trying to get rid of with a red rectangle. In this image:

Also I am using the pagelines wordpress theme.

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  1. Try adding this to the end of your CSS:

    blockquote p {

    If that doesn’t work, right-click and view the source of your page to see the raw HTML. Then you’ll know what elements are added to the blockquote.

  2. You have a paragraph(as should be) in your blockquote? It’s probably a margin from an inner element.

    And it would be nice to see an actual example of the code. The code you show us here is not part of the problem from what I can tell.