How do I hide the WordPress comments form?

I have a plugin that enables Facebook commenting on WordPress. Users have requested a feature that will hide the default WordPress comments form on posts where Facebook commenting is enabled.

How do I go about hiding the WP comments form on the fly? I know I can comment out comment_form(); from the comments.php template, but I’d like to be able to hide/unhide it at the click on a button.

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Does it have something to do with the comments_template filter?

The plugin’s homepage is

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  1. Wrap the form in a div and use this simple piece of jquery to show/hide the div.

    <div class="comments">
    <?php comment_form(); ?>
    <a class="comment_switch">Show / Hide Comments</a>
    $("comment_switch").click(function () {
  2. I have also such need arise. I have replaced the comment form with the appropriate message. Here’s the hook code, you can change the condition as per your need.

     * Restrict WordPress comment posting to Admin, Authors and HW+ active users
    function fun_comment_form_defaults( $defaults ) {
        if ( comments_open() && is_user_logged_in() && ( is_admin() || current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts', get_the_ID() ) || wc_memberships_is_user_active_member( get_current_user_id(), 'hw' ) ) ) {
            return $defaults;
        } else {
            $defaults['comment_field'] = wp_kses_post( sprintf( '<p>You should require an active <a href="%s">HW+ membership</a> to post a comment.</p>', esc_url( get_site_url() . '/membership/' ) ) );
            $defaults['submit_button'] = '';
            $defaults['submit_field']  = '';
            $defaults['fields']              = '';
            return $defaults;
    add_filter( 'comment_form_defaults', 'fun_comment_form_defaults' );