how do I get the date in a date archive page

In archive.php, if it is a date archive, can I get the date using a function?

Consider a url like this: myfirstsite/2013/08 – I want to get the 2013/08

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  1. Use get_query_var() to get the date parts:

    $year     = get_query_var('year');
    $monthnum = get_query_var('monthnum');
    $day      = get_query_var('day');

    In wp_title() a call to get_query_var('m') is used for the month too, but I got always just a 0 as value even on an URL like /2008/09/05/.

    If you want to print the month name, use:


    The month name will be translated by WordPress then.

    There are also four conditional functions you can use:


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