How disable activation email and auto activate blog

I have a network of wp blog (one blog per user).
How I can disable email activation when you create a blog?
I need the blog does not need activation to work

I need to register a new user / blog is only 1 step.

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I found several ways but were referred to buddypress and I do not have that system.
I also found a plugin by wpmudev but payment 🙁

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  1. This is untested, but create a Must Use plugin and add the following, it should block any email to be sent:

    add_filter( 'wpmu_signup_blog_notification', '__return_false' );

    To do something else, use it like this:

    add_filter( 'wpmu_signup_blog_notification', 'wpmu_so_25531684', 10, 7 );
    function wpmu_so_25531684( $domain, $path, $title, $user, $user_email, $key, $meta )
        # Use the parameters to do another action, eg, send an email to the administrator
        // do_something();
        return false;

    To auto-activate, try adding this code (wpmu_activate_signup + wp_set_auth_cookie) or better yet combining it with the above.