I use Meta Box Plugin. I have three custom meta fields in Pages. Name, Position, Photo(to upload).
I need to have ability to clone this group of sets multiple time. I found somewhere(there there another fields than mine), but it doesn’t help.
'fields'=> array(
'name' => 'Country Releases',
'id' => "{$prefix}release",
'type' => 'group',
'child_fields' => array(
// These are just fields as would normally be listed in the 'fields' array.
'name' => 'Release Country:',
'id' => "{$prefix}release_country",
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'value1' => "USA",
'value2' => "Canada",
'std' => "Select Country",
'name' => "Release Year:",
'id' => "{$prefix}release_year",
'type' => 'date',
'js_options' => array(
'appendText' => '(yyyy)',
'dateFormat' => 'yy',
'clone' => true,