How can I save an array of checkboxes in a wordpress widget?

I’ve created a widget and I need to allow the user to select from a series of options. The options are books coming from another table in the database.

I’m trying to use code like this:

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<input type="text" name="<?PHP $this->get_field_name("books[]"); ?>">

However this fails when trying to save. Is it even possible to pass an array of options like this and save them? If not, what would be an alternative solution. I could pass values like this:


If I do this I would have to have a loop in the update method go through all the books in the database to determine what is checked and what isn’t? I’m open to suggestions.

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  1. I’d do something like this:

    First, store the options and pick them as an array:

    $options = get_option("pluginName_books");

    Use this as the field in your form:

    <input type="text" name="books[]" value="the_value">

    or to do it as a checkbox:

    <input type="checkbox" name="<?PHP $this->get_field_name("books[]"); ?>">
  2. Just had the same issue. I solved it by attaching the array part of my name tag outside of my get_field_name call:

    name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'breakpoints' ); ?>[]"