How can I hook and edit on the fly an image uploaded in wordpress

I’m new in wordpress plugin development and I’m trying to hook my function to one of wordpress’s upload / attachements functions.
My target is to:
– hook to wordpress function (I’ve tried: wp_handle_upload, wp_handle_upload_prefilter)
– use image/media resource in my function (apply filter on image)
– return modified resource to further processing by wordpress core.

Is there a way to achieve that?

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The code I’m using is similar to:

add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'handle_upload');

function handle_upload($resource){


return $resource;

Thanks in advance!

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  1. The $resource passed to the function is an array of 3 elements:

    • file is the absolute path to the image file;
    • url is the url to the image;
    • type is the mime type of the file (i.e. image/jpeg).

    So if your $tools->tool_blurImage function accept the file path as parameter you should check if the file is an image and then pass the file path:

    function handle_upload($resource) {
        if( 'image' == substr( $resource['type'], 0, 5 ) )
        return $resource;