How can i get the last post from wp multisite?

I have to get the last post from my Multisite network on WordPress. For now I use this code for display the last updated post after a cycle on each blog_id:


$blogs = get_last_updated(' ', 0, 1);
foreach ($blogs AS $blog);
        $lastposts = get_posts('numberposts=1&orderby=date');
        foreach($lastposts as $post) : setup_postdata($post);?>

But if I want to get the last post — not the last post updated — how can I do that? Because if I change and refresh a post I get the post like the last on main page. But this is not the real last post.

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Update – This is the full version, i have also used the restore_current_blog():


    $blogs = get_last_updated(' ', 0, 1);
    foreach ($blogs AS $blog);
            $lastposts = get_posts('numberposts=1&orderby=date');
            foreach($lastposts as $post) : setup_postdata($post);?> 
    <div class="container-img">
     <a class="anteprima_princ" href="<?php echo get_page_link($post->ID); ?>" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('immagine-principale'); ?></a>
                <h2 class="entrytitlepost"><a href="<?php echo get_page_link($post->ID); ?>" title="<?php echo $post->post_title; ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

                  <div class="post-content-princ">
        <p><?php the_content_rss('...', FALSE, '', 40); ?></p>
        <div id="lt">
        <div id="leggitutto"><div id="croce"><div id="alto"></div><div id="largo"></div></div><a class="lt" href="<?php echo get_page_link($post->ID); ?>" title="<?php echo $post->post_title; ?>">LEGGI TUTTO</a></div>

         <?php endforeach ; ?>

                        <?php restore_current_blog(); //switched back to main site ?>

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  1. The orderby-parameter should be post_date instead of date.

    your code would look something like this:

    $blogs = get_last_updated(' ', 0, 1);
    foreach ($blogs AS $blog) {
        $args = array(
            'orderby'         => 'post_date',
            'order'           => 'DESC',
            'numberposts'     => 1,
            'post_type'       => 'post',
            'post_status'     => 'publish',
            'suppress_filters' => true
        $lastposts = get_posts( $args );
        foreach($lastposts as $thispost) {

    Please do not forget to call restore_current_blog() in your foreach. If you used switch_to_blog() more than once before calling restore_current_blog(), it won’t work anymore.

  2. @fischi’s answer appears to answer the question you asked; I suggest this only as an alternative.

    You can create/update a site option every time a new post is published:

    add_action( 'new_to_publish', 'wpse133433_latest_post' );
    function wpse_133433_latest_post( $post ) {
        $blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
        $latest = array( 
            'blog_id' => $blog_id,
            'post_id' => $post->ID,
        update_site_option( 'latest_post_in_network', $latest );

    Then, to check it:

    $latest = get_site_option( 'latest_post_in_network' );
    // should return an array with blog_id and post_id



    • You need the first code block to run on every site in your network (that you want to collect posts from) — you can make it into a Must Use plugin or a network-enabled plugin.
    • You may need to hook to more than one Post Transition hook — ie, draft_to_publish, pending_to_publish, etc.
    • The $latest array in the first code block can hold more info, too. You could, for example, add the current time, so that when you do your get_site_option(), you’ve immediately got access to the latest update’s time as well as its blog_id and post_id.

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