How can I edit post data before it is saved?

I have a plugin and I would like to be able to run the post content through some filters before it is saved to the database. From looking at the plugin api, I see that two hooks that look like they might be helpful:


The only problem is that it looks like save_post does not need return a variable, and so I don’t know how to filter the content, and wp_insert_post looks documented.

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I’d like to do something like this:


function my_function($post_content){
    return $post_content.' <br> This post was saved on '.time();

I am going to do something more useful than append a timestamp, namely running some regex filters, but this is the general type of filter / action I’m trying to add.


Please note that I want to intercept the data on it’s way to being saved in the database – not when it is being displayed in the post (eg: Not by adding a filter to the_content)

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  1. You can also check for the hook pre_post_update

    add_action('pre_post_update', 'before_data_is_saved_function');
    function before_data_is_saved_function($post_id) {
  2. Add the following code to the active theme to replace <shell> with [shell] before saving:

     add_filter('content_save_pre', 'my_sanitize_content', 10, 1);
     function my_sanitize_content($value) {
       return str_replace('<shell>', '[shell]', $value);
  3. If you just want to add something similar at the end of all the posts, then I would suggest you use the the_content filter.

    function append_to_content( $content ) {
        global $post;
        return $content.'<br />This post was saved on '.$post->post_date;
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'append_to_content' );