how can i configure tinymce to insert spans into list tags

I am using the tinyMCE in wordpress and I would like to alter the numbered list html so that when the editors create the lists using the button in between each li, a span is also added.




<li><span class="test">this</span></li>
<li><span class="test">is </span></li>
<li><span class="test">what i want </span></li>

my preference is to make the span the default when clicking on numlist button, but if it is easy to make a custom button to achieve this that advice would be very welcome too.

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Many thanks in advance.

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  1. In case anyone else is interested I did achieve the end out come but not through modifying the tinymce editor as the tinymce custom button route is not one i have time to pursue.

    So instead I manipulated the ‘content’ on its way out of the db and did some simple regex preg__replace and str_replace work to end up with what i what i needed.

    so the content manager now just creates an unordered list and adds numbers themselves at the start. we then loop through and adds in the span and p tags around the content and number. which then means the content can be styled beautifully! not an ideal solution but it works for now.

    example $content = “1.Help me do this”

        $content = str_replace("<li>","<li><p>",$content);
        $content = str_replace("</li>","</p></li>",$content);
        $pattern = "/(<p>?)+([0-9]{1,}.?)/";
        echo preg_replace($pattern,"<span>$2</span> $1",$content);