How can I change a URL using .htaccess in wordpress within cakephp?

I have Integrated multisite wordpress in cakephp .
here I have first site that is:


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and second :


now I want 2nd url like

so how to do that? any idea ? .htaccess help?

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  1. You’ll want to look into CakePHP Routing. It lets direct a string URL into a Controller/Action among other things.

    Routing is a feature that maps URLs to controller actions. It was
    added to CakePHP to make pretty URLs more configurable and flexible.
    Using Apache’s mod_rewrite is not required for using routes, but it
    will make your address bar look much more tidy.

    Routing in CakePHP also encompasses the idea of reverse routing, where
    an array of parameters can be reversed into a string url. By using
    reverse routing, you can easily re-factor your applications url
    structure without having to update all your code.