Basically there are sub-sites that inherit all the pages. But I have worked out ways for each page to be unique to their location, by creating a shortcode that pulls in the Blog Description. The point is I am not trying to spam the web, but this site needs to reach different people in different towns. And I don’t want to repeat all the content each time.
I have installed threewp broadcast and multipost MU and tested them out, but when you add a site you have to go through each time you add each page to the new site. There are 50+ pages. Essentially I want to make sure the main site is right, then add a new site and have all the pages automatically added.
I can go through and mess with the settings on each site to give it the right homepage and all that but adding the pages individually is a pain… ideas?
I think that is possible with the plugin WordPress MU Sitewide Tags: (
With that plugin you can republish content from all sites OR a selection and you can choose to publish it to the main site OR to a new subsite.
I’m guessing it’s something along the lines of:
Export the database, find the posts you want and delete everything else in the exported file, search and replace so that the posts belong to the subsite you want, then import the new SQL back into the database.
It could also be that sites have a list of which post ID belong to them… you have to look at the database content.
… WHatever you find the simple replacement to be, you’ll be copying over 50 posts at a time (or however many you have).
For the sake of new searches: ThreeWP Broadcast is now capable of broadcasting several posts at a time using the plugins “Send To Many” and “Queue”.
See Broadcast’s page on