How can I append a <span> tag to a <h1> heading in WordPress

I need to add a spantag to an h1 heading in wordpress. I tried writing in through the CMS but it renders the spantag as text.
The site’s title is a name and I want to give different styles to the words.

Following David Thomas‘s advice I’ve written this: but it appends the span last and empty.

 <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/">
    $completeName = bloginfo('name');
    $split = explode(" ",$completeName);
    echo $split[0]."<span>".$split[1]."</span>"

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  1. You should be using get_bloginfo as Felipe suggested, but still pass in the ‘name’ parameter.

    I was just working on the same code for the same reason and thought I should post for future visitors:

          $completeName = get_bloginfo('name');
          $nameParts = explode(" ", $completeName);
          echo '<span>'.$nameParts[0].'</span> '.$nameParts[1];