How can I add another option to this custom post function?

I’m currently developing a games database for my wordpress site and one of the custom functions is entering a review score for a game, we have a 1-10 based rating system but I wish to add another option to this loop “No Review”, how can I do this?

<select style="width: 100px" name="games_database_rating">
  <?php // Generate all items of drop-down list
  for ( $rating = 10; $rating >= 1; $rating -- ) {
  <option value="<?php echo $rating; ?>" <?php echo selected( $rating, $game_rating ); ?>>
  <?php echo $rating; ?>/10 <?php } ?>

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1 comment

  1. You just need to add a static <option> element before you start your loop.

    <select style="width: 100px" name="games_database_rating">
      <option value="none">No Rating</option>
      <?php // Generate all items of drop-down list
          for ( $rating = 10; $rating >= 1; $rating -- ) {
         <option value="<?php echo $rating; ?>" <?php echo selected( $rating, $game_rating ); ?>>
         <?php echo $rating; ?>/10 <?php } ?>

    Now your select will start out with “No Rating”, and you can still choose a number. When you submit the form, just check for “none” or the number.

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