Hook to generate a dynamic sitemap with “All in One SEO Pack” Plugin

Besides the urls of posts, pages and categories, I need my site’s sitemap to include the urls of various pages that display data coming from an external source other than the WP database (Rails API).

Is there a hook to which I can add a filter so that once Dynamic Sitemap Generation takes place, I can then append these other urls to the sitemap.

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PS: I had a suggestion to use aiosp_sitemap_post_filter, but there is no doc on how it works.



with aiosp_sitemap_post_filter you can add only other posts to the sitemap and no custom content.

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  1. This is the solution from Peter Baylies (Plugin Author)

    add_filter( 'option_aioseop_options', 'itdge_sitemap_addl_pages' );
    function itdge_sitemap_addl_pages( $option ) {
        if (   !empty( $option )
            && !empty( $option['modules'] )
            && !empty( $option['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options'])
          ) {
            $my_sitemap_entries = Array(
            '/test1' => Array( 'prio' => '0.1', 'freq' => 'daily', 'mod' => '2014-04-01' ),
            '/test2' => Array( 'prio' => '0.3', 'freq' => 'weekly', 'mod' => '2014-03-02' )
            if ( empty( $option['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options']['aiosp_sitemap_addl_pages'] ) ) {
                $option['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options']['aiosp_sitemap_addl_pages'] = Array();
            foreach( $my_sitemap_entries as $k => $v ) {
                $option['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options']['aiosp_sitemap_addl_pages'][$k] = $v;
        return $option;
  2. This is not a solution to my question but it helps me to solve my problem in WordPress, and I want to share it.

    I create a separate sitemap using XMLWriter. Here is the code.

    WordPress hook:

    add_action('parse_request', 'my_custom_url_handler');
    function my_custom_url_handler() {
        $c = new EventsSitemapBuilder();
        if( $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == '/website/events-sitemap.xml') {
            header("Content-type: text/xml");
            $c = new EventsSitemapBuilder();


    class EventsSitemapBuilder {
            private $api_client;
            private $sitemap_data;
            private $sm_xml_writer;
            public function __construct() {
                $this->api_client = new ALApiClient();
                $this->sitemap_data = $this->api_client->sitemap_data();
                $this->sm_xml_writer = new XMLWriter();
            public function build() {
                //events.id, it_texts.slug AS it_slug, en_texts.slug AS en_slug, events.updated_at
                //$this->sm_xml_writer->openUri( home_url( "events-sitemap" ) );
                $this->sm_xml_writer->openUri( "php://output" );
                $this->sm_xml_writer->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                $this->sm_xml_writer->writeAttribute('xmlns', "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9");
                array_map( array( $this, 'sitemap_event_entry' ), $this->sitemap_data );
            private function sitemap_event_entry( $data ) {
                $this->sm_xml_writer->writeElement('lastmod', $data['date']);
                $this->sm_xml_writer->writeElement('changefreq', 'weekly');
                $this->sm_xml_writer->writeElement('priority', 0.6);
                $event_url = home_url( 'events/' . $data['id']  );
                $this->sm_xml_writer->writeElement('loc', $data['url'] );
  3. Also it turns out that option_aioseop_options hook fires on any page load (and even multiple times). I’ve added few lines of code to Pietro’s solution to check if sitemap.xml is requested:

    add_filter( 'option_aioseop_options', 'itdge_sitemap_addl_pages' );
    function itdge_sitemap_addl_pages( $option ) {
        $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $uriSegments = explode('/', $uri);
        if ($uriSegments[ count($uriSegments) - 1 ] != 'sitemap.xml') return $option;
        if (   !empty( $option )
            && !empty( $option['modules'] )
            && !empty( $option['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options'])
        ) {