Hook midway through the_content();?

Basically, I want to add a function that executes half way through the_content();

I want to add a message/ad block whatever in the middle of all of my content without having to go in to each individual page and add the block.

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Is this even possible?

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  1. Use this function ad_content() in replace of the_content() in your template.

    function ad_content() {
    $content = apply_filters ( 'the_content', get_the_content () );
    $content = explode ( "</p>", $content );
    $half_way = ( count($content) / 2);
        for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $content ); $i ++ ) {
            if ( $i == $half_way ) {
                echo 'YOUR_AD_CODE';
            echo $content[$i] . "</p>";
  2. Of course it’s possible, you’ll just want to write a function that finds the middle of the content then ads your block. Something like this

    function wpse_37015(){
    //get the content   
    $content= get_the_content(); //get the content as a variable
    // find the middle
    $content_length= STRLEN($content);
    $halfway_mark = ($content_length/ 2);
    // clip off the first half
    $firsthalf = SUBSTR($content, 0, $halfway_mark);
    // find the last '<br>' in the first half
    $end_mark = STRRPOS($firsthalf, '<br>');
    // add in the adblob at the position found above
    return SUBSTR($content, 0, $end_mark) . "<p> YOUR AD HERE p>" . SUBSTR($content, $end_mark); 
    add_filter('the_content', 'wpse_37015');

    This is totally untested and may need to be reworked I got the code to find the middle from here.

    Edit: As OneTrickPoney pointed out we need to check for HTML tags one method may be to use php’s strip_tags() function . and add something like this after the first content call:

    $content = strip_tags($content) //remove html tags

    the problem will be adding the tags back at the end.