I am using MailChimp for my self hosted WordPress blog. MailChimp fetches RSS feeds for it’s email templates. I want to add small thumbnail with excerpts in RSS feed so that they appear on MailChimp’s email template but I do not want to modify the original RSS feed URL. I want to have a different URL for feeds modified for MailChimp like this: mysite.com/mailchimpfeed where as the original mysite.com/feed remains unchanged.
What will be the best way to do this?
Basic MailChimp feed:
Here’s one simple idea:
to reuse the native RSS2 feed, under a different url.
MailChimp feed with featured images:
If we want to add the featured images to the MailChimp feed, we can use:
We can then modify the featured image size to our needs and the default image if there’s no one set.
Flush rewrite rules once to activate:
In both cases we just have to remember to flush the permalinks settings to activate the custom MailChimp feed.
Hope this helps.