Guitar Tablature and Music sheet oriented plugins for wordpress or Drupal

I’m familiar with wordpress and cakePHP; however, I’m building a small community website (hobby) that allows users to post music sheet (pdf/image) or guitar tabs ( text files). These music sheets should be organized by artists and songs. I’ve already built my own cms, but I’m not looking forward to maintain it as i’m scared I won’t have the time.

An example of this would be . Not the whole site, just the way they display tabs and stuff

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I posted a 1 month old build for you guys to see what i’ve done here. the site for the most part works, but as i said, I’m scared that i won’t be able to maintain it. This is not the latest build, i haven’t gotten around to uploading it. It fixes most of the issues

Are there any music publishing plugins for drupal and wordpress (I haven’t seen any personally)?
I’m open to other suggestions and comments as well so please feel free to mention them

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  1. It doesn’t sound like you have any music specific needs, you just need to be able to attach text, pdf or images to an item (node in Drupal) and assign tags to it.

    You can use taxonomy in Drupal to assign artists to the nodes. I should think what you want is pretty simple to do. I would suggest that you try installing it and seeing what it can do.