Google App Engine WordPress wp-admin on custom domain

Following Google tutorial to setup WordPress on the App Engine I migrated few of my sites there, but Im struggling with one thing. For that reason or another lets say I need to make access to wp-admin backend through custom domain and without SSL support.

No matter what I put in app.yaml

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  • url: /wp-admin/(.+)
    script: wordpress/wp-admin/1
    secure: never

for example, it seems that App Engine always redirects to https when attempting to log in to the backend. Has anybody have an idea how can I setup insecure access via ?

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  1. I encountered the similar problem, have no idea if they are same, but you can try my solution.

    The real cause of my problem is not from GAE but the appengine-wordpress-plugin

    1, find the php file “wordpresswp-contentpluginsgoogle-app-enginemodulescore.php”

    2, search string “is_production” and comment out the code below:

            if( is_production() ) {
    /*      please comment this two statements  
                add_filter( 'secure_auth_redirect', '__return_true' );
                force_ssl_admin( true );
                other code...

    3, and don’t forget set secure:never in app.yaml