global login between CMS multisite

I have a website that uses 3 different CMS’s. WordPress CMS, Magento CMS, and Vbulliten CMS. I’m curious as if it’s possible to create a single global login solution on the homepage that allows logging in / registering once, that carries over to all of the CMS’s. I understand this is a large task. Curious about a suggested approach to this. I have setup a social login with facebook for each portion. But I am curious an approach that is non social login.

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1 comment

  1. Why not just use a pixel to load a login cURL/fsock script for each CMS. That would address any cross-domain cookie issues.

    <img src="HTTP://PATH-TO-LOGIN-SCRIPT-FOR-WordPress.php">
    <img src="HTTP://PATH-TO-LOGIN-SCRIPT-FOR-Magento.php">
    <img src="HTTP://PATH-TO-LOGIN-SCRIPT-FOR-vBulletin.php">

    Here is a related post to auto-logging into wordpress.

    WordPress autologin using CURL or fsockopen in PHP

    Then you could get creative an invoke a new browser tab via javascript.

    I have never tested this, however It doesn’t seem impossible! Good luck.

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