git pre-receive hook declined with heroku

I’ve gotten myself into a mess with heroku. I’m deploying a WordPress PHP app, and basically had a whole bunch of git repos in the theme directory, plus the parent theme which I cloned from a github project. I deployed WordPress successfully, but git was ignoring the themes that were already tracked in their separate repos, so I went back and copied the themes to a different directory so that they wouldn’t be tracked, and deleted the .git folders.

My issue is that after doing this, Heroku won’t let me do a git push heroku master, but kicks back this error message:

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Writing objects: 100% (972/972), 2.73 MiB | 76 KiB/s, done.
Total 972 (delta 46), reused 0 (delta 0)

 !     Heroku push rejected due to an unrecognized error.
 !     We've been notified, see if the problem persists.

 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''

I’ve tried git pull heroku master, which gives me “Already up-to-date.” I’ve also tried to add the -f flag, but that doesn’t work either. Sometime is rejecting the app within Heroku.

Any ideas?


I’ve also tried the suggestions here: failed to push some refs to

including creating a new branch from heroku/master and then pushing it immediately to heroku. It fails.

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