getting values from a shortcode with an include

I have a checked a few links but nothing seems to for me in getting the attribute value of a shortcode so that I can use it in a condition.

function bf_shortcode_slideshow($atts) {
    'location' => ''
  ), $atts));

  if  ( $location = 'home' ) {
  classslider = 'homeslider';
  include(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/slideshow.php');
  return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('rotator', 'bf_shortcode_slideshow');

In the slideshow.php I have a

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echo 'classslider=' . $classslider;

My result for $classslider is blank ( nothing is displayed )
Is there another way you should compare $location to a string value set ?

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1 comment

  1. include changes the scope. You would need to declare $classslider global before defining it, and then use global $classslider; before using it.

    function bf_shortcode_slideshow($atts) {
      global $classslider;
      extract(shortcode_atts(array( ...

    I think that will fix your problem.

    I don’t understand why you are using include at all though. There must be a better way to make that slideshow work.