Need some help getting CGI to work. I’m writing a small plugin for nodejs that allows running a wordpress site without apache.
I have done most of the groundwork so running a wordpress site works great now, but only needing to get files uploads to work properly. I managed to make simple file uploads work, but with larger files I get ECONNRESET when trying to write to stdin of the php-cgi process.
The code is here: git clone
To test the code do this:
var express = require('express');
var php = require("./main");
var path = require("path");
var request = require("request");
var http = require("http");
var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);
app.use("/", php.cgi("/path/to/wordpress/install"));
console.log("Server listening on: "+server.address().port);
Now if I run this with node and go to the admin panel of wordpress at localhost:9090 and then try to upload a theme or plugin, the server gets econnreset when calling php.stdin.write on the wordpress process during file upload. It works though if I call php.stdin.end() right afterwards, but the data is still only partially received in wordpress. With images it works fine though if the image is small enough.