Getting a blank page on WordPress blog

I have a WordPress blog which was working fine until I updated my PHP 5.3 to 5.5. Now the whole blog is blank. I cannot view the admin page or even the log in page. I have tried to fix it after searching a lot on Google, but it is still not working.

I have gone through these solutions:

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As stated in these solution the main reason is either a faulty theme or a plugin. So I changed my plugin folder to plugins_temp but still got that blank page. Then I changed my themes folder to themes_temp and still I got that same problem.

In the first link that I have submitted here there was this solution # 3 Warning: Cannot modify Header information where they proposed a solution i.e wp-config.php will have a blank line after the php ‘?>’ closing tag. I looked at my wp-config.php and there was no closing tag ‘?>’. So I added that tag without a blank line and that still didn’t solve that blank page issue.

I have another PHP website on a different subdomain and it is working fine. In my blog’s root folder there is readme.html and when I use this url (myblog/readme.html) then that file gets displayed on the browser so only none of the PHP files are getting rendered.

Lastly I did try to install a totally fresh WordPress site but when I go to install.php then none of the files are being executed.

I am using php5-fpm, Ubuntu 12.04 and NginX.

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  1. Did you try turning on debugging mode?

    You do that in wp-config.php.

    Locate define('WP_DEBUG', false); and set it to true.

    Another thing I would try is to make some simple php file and test that if it is working. Something like:

    echo "test";


    Since you probably have problem with php itself, check this question on stackoverflow php not working with nginx on ubuntu:

  2. Some common solutions

    1. define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); set to TRUE – wordpress turns off the
      error reporting, thats why you get white screens. Turning this on
      would show the error messages.
    2. error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘1’); – if solution above doesnt work, you can manually add this in your wp-config or to the template file that broke down.
    3. if everything else fails, then you can try tracing the code with something like, die(‘runs till here’). It’s a pretty back breaking method but it will surely point you where problem is. I did this once and found out later that the white screen was caused by a memory limit exceeded error. This kind of error can’t be seen with solution 1 & 2.