I have a WordPress blog which was working fine until I updated my PHP 5.3 to 5.5. Now the whole blog is blank. I cannot view the admin page or even the log in page. I have tried to fix it after searching a lot on Google, but it is still not working.
I have gone through these solutions:
- http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/common-wordpress-errors-with-solutions/
- http://www.velvetblues.com/web-development-blog/my-wordpress-blog-is-blank/
As stated in these solution the main reason is either a faulty theme or a plugin. So I changed my plugin folder to plugins_temp but still got that blank page. Then I changed my themes folder to themes_temp and still I got that same problem.
In the first link that I have submitted here there was this solution # 3 Warning: Cannot modify Header information
where they proposed a solution i.e wp-config.php will have a blank line after the php ‘?>’ closing tag. I looked at my wp-config.php and there was no closing tag ‘?>’. So I added that tag without a blank line and that still didn’t solve that blank page issue.
I have another PHP website on a different subdomain and it is working fine. In my blog’s root folder there is readme.html and when I use this url (myblog/readme.html) then that file gets displayed on the browser so only none of the PHP files are getting rendered.
Lastly I did try to install a totally fresh WordPress site but when I go to install.php then none of the files are being executed.
I am using php5-fpm, Ubuntu 12.04 and NginX.
Did you try turning on debugging mode?
You do that in wp-config.php.
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
and set it to true.Another thing I would try is to make some simple php file and test that if it is working. Something like:
Since you probably have problem with php itself, check this question on stackoverflow php not working with nginx on ubuntu:
Some common solutions
error reporting, thats why you get white screens. Turning this on
would show the error messages.
Check your errorlog, most probably one of the installed plugins isn’t compatible with PHP 5.5
Try to find out which one, and disable it via the wordpress database or the filesystem: