Get_the_author doesn’t return author name

I insert author box below my post and use get_the_author to return author name but it doesn’t working. It also doesn’t working with Search post by author. Hope everyone give me solution, thank in advance.

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  1. Though echoing worked for the OP, the issue could be related to setting up the post manually, as was in my case. Here is the code:

    $post = get_post();
    setup_postdata($post);    // setting up the post manually
    // Then you can fetch/echo the author name
    var $authorName = get_the_author(); 
    var $content    = get_the_content();   // This works too
  2. As a general rule, any WP function beginning with get_ will return the result rather than echoing it. There’s usually a corresponding function – in this case it’s the_author() – which will echo it.

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