I just found a wired thing on my website after v4.4 update. In my blog pages I use 2 functions to fetch comments.
First I use
wp_list_comments( array( "callback" => "checkout_comment", "type" => "comment") );
To fetch the comments only. Then I run a count check if any trackbacks exists by using
$trackback_count = get_comments( array(
'status' => 'approve',
'post_id'=> get_the_ID(),
'type'=> 'pings',
'count' => true)
and if the do exists the I show the trackbacks/pingsbacks like this
wp_list_comments( array( "callback" => "checkout_comment", "type" => "pings", "reply_text" => null, "format" => "html5") );
Now, after v4.4 update the comments are showing fine but the trackbacks list are not showing.
Can anyone tell me why? What I might need to change to fix this?