I want to get body element ‘tinymce’ which positioned inside iframes as the tree shown below..
html -> body -> div#wpwrap -> div#wpcontent -> div#wp-content -> div#wrap -> form#post -> div#editorcondainer -> div#poststuff -> div#post-body -> div#post-body-content -> div#postdivrich -> div#editiorcontainer -> span#content_parent -> table#content_tbl.mceLayout -> tbody -> tr -> td.mceIframeContainer.mceFirst.mceLast -> iframe#content_ifr -> html -> body#tinymce.mceContentBody
For that i uses the code :
var iframeEl = document.getElementById('content_ifr');
if ( iframeEl.contentDocument ) { // DOM
var bdy = iframeEl.contentDocument.getElementById('tinymce');
} else if ( iframeEl.contentWindow ) { // IE win
var bdy = iframeEl.contentWindow.document.getElementById('tinymce');
But iframeE1 is null 🙁
Im trying other ids in the tree but it stop returning elements from the ‘span id :content_parent’, the last id returning object is ‘div id :editorcontainer’
How could i get the elements after ‘span id :content_parent’
The code above looks fordocument.getElementById(undef);
(since you never define a variable calledcontent_ifr
).If the source of the
is not in the same domain as the the containing page, you will not have access to the iframe’s contents, as they’re in differing security sandboxes.The
creates a new window context with a new document. So give the<iframe>
a name attribute likename="somename"
so you can access it like this:If you don’t have access to the HTML you could first add the name via JS like this:
Some digging on SO brought up this: accessing a form that is in an iframe which explains how to do this with only an ID. That should sum up the possibilities.