Hierarchical taxonomy of custom post type ‘projects’ > ‘projects_category’.
Two example ‘projects_category’ hierarchies would be:
Big Corporates > 1st Company Name > A Post Title
Small Business > 2nd Company Name > Another Post Title
I can get ‘1st Company Name’ with the following:
<?php $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'projects_category');foreach($terms as $term){echo $term->name;} ?>
How can I display ‘Big Corporates’ or ‘Small Business’ as appropriate in single.php ?
get_ancestors() should do what you need:
So, you should do something like this:
If you read this article on custom post types it should help: Revisiting Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, and Permalinks
I’ve marked up anu’s answer and get_ancestors explanation, however this is how I solved it:
This is very good code for get taxonomy title in detail page or single page in custom post type in WordPress,