Get list of registered or enqued styles? looking for filters or actions

Where can I get the list of styles about to be printed? What i want is to either filter the list, doing what i want with each, then return empty list. Or do an action that recieves the list, then i can remove_action the print_styles. Something like that, anyway. I’m creating a css minifier concatenizer.

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  1. There is a global variable named $wp_styles. It is a WP_Styles object (if it exists at all) and it holds all the enqueued styles in a public variable $queue.


    global $wp_styles;
    if ( is_a( $wp_styles, 'WP_Styles' ) )
        print_r( $wp_styles->queue );
        print 'no styles enqueued';

    Make sure you test that after the init hook, because stylesheets should not be enqueued earlier.

    For details see:

    • /wp-includes/functions.wp-styles.php,
    • /wp-includes/class.wp-styles.php and
    • /wp-includes/class.wp-dependencies.php