Generate Advanced Custom Fields box in custom admin menu page

I have created an custom admin menu page called FCC Youtube with add_menu_page function
which has some custom fields I manually generated via HTML and PHP:

code ( just the part how I created this custom admin menu page )

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// creat admin menu page 
function youtube_menu() {
        add_menu_page('Youtube Channel Settings', 'FCC Youtube', 'edit_pages', 'youtube_channel_settings', 'youtube_channel_render_page','');

see image

I want to create many admin menu pages like the FCC Youtube page I’ve created.
( FCC Vimeo, FCC Buttons etc.)

I wish these pages have ACF field groups.
, means I can create ACF field groups and assign the group to my custom admin menu pages
It will work exactly like ACF Option-addon page.

ACF Option-addon doesn’t allow me to create multiple top level Options page.
I understand I can create multiple second-level option page
but I wish to have many TOP Level ones, but I still can’t figure out how to do this!

I have purchased the Option add-on but it doesn’t allow me to create multiple “top level” Option page, I only have a parent page called “Options” then lots of sub pages under it, I wish to have other “Top Level” pages have other names than “Options” , but it seems very difficult to do : s,

see this enter image description here

I have all these bunch of options page under the Parent ‘Options’, I can’t move them outside of the parent

enter image description here

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  1. Interesting exercise, a one page plugin that believes it deserves a first level menu page is wrong, IMO. I use the same technique with Jetpack.

    To create sub-pages in the Options Page add-on, read the documentation.

    The logic of this menu/sub-menu swapping is:

    1. Add multiple ACF Options Pages
    2. Create our menu first level page
    3. Remove (hide) our plugin page
    4. Add (move) our plugin page into ACF’s

    Steps 1 and 2 are to make this example generic.
    To use it with any other plugin, only steps 3 and 4 are necessary, adjusting the slugs.
    To move it into a default WP menu, for example, use add_theme_page (Appearance) or add_options_page (Settings).

     * Plugin Name: Swap Menus and Sub-menus
     * Plugin URI:
     * Author: brasofilo
     * Author URI:
     * Licence: GPLv2 or later
    class Swap_Menus_WPSE_95981 {
        function __construct()
            add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'modify_menus' ) );
        function modify_menus() 
            // 1) Add ACF Options pages
            if( function_exists( "register_options_page" ) )
                register_options_page( 'Header' );
                register_options_page( 'Footer' );
            // 2) Create this plugin page
            add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_aux_menu' ) );
            // 3) Remove (hide) this plugin page
            add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'remove_aux_menu' ) );
            // 4) Move this plugin page into ACF Options page
            // Priority here (9999) is to put the submenu at last postition
            // If the priority is removed, the submenu is put at first position
            add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_aux_menu_again'), 9999 );
        function add_aux_menu() 
                'Dummy Page First Level', 
                'Dummy Title', 
                array( $this, 'menu_page_content' )
        function menu_page_content() 
                <div id="icon-post" class="icon32"></div>
                <h2>Dummy Page</h2>
                <p> Lorem ipsum</p>
        function remove_aux_menu() 
            remove_menu_page( 'dummy-page-slug' ); 
        function add_aux_menu_again() 
            // To move into default pages, f.ex., use add_theme_page or add_options_page
                'acf-options-header', // <---- Destination menu slug
                'Dummy Page Second Level', 
                'Dummy Page Second Level', 
                array( $this, 'menu_page_content' )
    new Swap_Menus_WPSE_95981();