I have here the list of default functions in WordPress and my own description
- post_title – title of the post
<?php the_title(); ?>
- post_content – the content
<?php the_content(); ?>
- post_excerpt – it’s excerpt
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
- post_date – published date
- post_category – category
- post_tag – it’s tags
- post_author – the author of the post
- featured_image – chosen featured image
Anyway, what my concern is, I’m looking for the Function names of WordPress SEO by YOAST and the All in ONE SEO PACK WordPress plugin?
WordPress SEO by YOAST Plugin
If I want to display the following below in my post? what php code should I use?
- Focus Keyword –
<?php the_??? (); ?>
- SEO Title –
<?php the_??? (); ?>
- Meta Description –
<?php the_??? (); ?>
All in ONE SEO PACK WordPress plugin
- Title –
<?php the_??? (); ?>
- Description –
<?php the_??? (); ?>
- Keywords –
<?php the_??? (); ?>
I need to know how can I display it at the bottom of my published post. example the focus keyword of WordPress SEO by Yoast, I want it to display it after the content.
Use these functions
for more here is a link http://yoast.com/wordpress/seo/api/