First WordPress Plugin – Stat Issues

I built my first plugin and after a bumpy start got my plugin downloadable from the WordPress.

On my plugin’s stats page it version 1.2.0 is the only active version in the pie chart.

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Why is that?

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  1. I’m having the same problem. Take a look at the opening comments of content-types-wordpress-plugin.php, it looks like there are extra line breaks between each line, which may disrupt the parser that pulls out the version number, etc. If you don’t see the extra breaks when you develop locally, you may have to play with the settings in your text editor; specifically, Unix line breaks vs Mac or Windows ones, but possibly other settings also.

    If that doesn’t work, compare your comments against the example in the Codex and the file header specification to see if you notice any minor differences.

  2. The statistics are way behind the real usage. They may take a week or two to catch up. Just be patient and don’t look to much at the numbers. Real people’s feedback is more important – and more useful.