Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in wampwwwwordpresswp-includesclass-http.php on line 929

I’m writing a theme and almost every time I reload a page, WordPress is giving the following error

Warning: fopen(http://localhost/wordpress/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1373799734.2041289806365966796875): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in D:wampwwwwordpresswp-includesclass-http.php on line 92

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As can be seen I have enabled WP_DEBUG. Here is a screenshot of the warning window (click to zoom):


I’d provide further information but I have to know what exactly as I have no idea where the problem may lie.

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1 comment

  1. This issue has been reported here : trac

    Sometimes, HTTP requests fail. In this case, in particular, on
    localhost. That’s part of the reason why we suppress them. I’ve
    personally never seen this. I think it’s isolated to this server

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