Exporting Drupal 6 to WordPress latest (3.2.1?)

I have inherited a website in Drupal. Cut a long painful story short: I want desperately to move to sanity. WP 3.2.1 (latest as of this writing) is the choice.

Yet, it looks like the export process in Drupal requires a PhD in mechanical engineering. Googling for something results in a Java program (out of question for us) or a paid service.

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Really? Is there no humane way to move all my data from Drupal to WP?

Thanks for any pointers!

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  1. WP is still only properly effective as a blogging platform no matter what they want to tell you (trust me I have a lot of experience in this area). Various people have extended upon its core functionality so that it can do more than it originally did, but these extensions are strained at best. Drupal was built specifically to be extended, and thus we developers can extend it painlessly.

    That being said though (and with my mini-rant out of the way!), this bit of SQL will start you off…it will pull in the basic content from the node table to the wordpress wp_posts table.

    INSERT INTO wp23.wp_posts (
    ID, post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt, post_name, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_type)
    SELECT node.nid, node.uid, FROM_UNIXTIME(node.created), FROM_UNIXTIME(node.created), node_revisions.body, node.title, node_revisions.teaser, concat('node/', node.nid), FROM_UNIXTIME(node.changed), FROM_UNIXTIME(node.changed),'page'
    FROM drupal.node, drupal.node_revisions WHERE node.type = 'page' AND node.nid = node_revisions.nid

    Unfortunately there is no easy way to automatically pull in CCK (D6) or core (D7) fields because field storage is vastly different in Drupal/Wordpress; you’ll have to examine the tables and write a custom script depending on the fields you have added.

    Hope that helps

    These links will probably help out too, the first one is where the above SQL came from:

    How To Migrate From Drupal To WordPress — Export And Import Mysql Script
    Migrating Drupal to WordPress