Excluding specific widgets from default sidebar class

I have two sidebars using the register_sidebars function that display each widget as a list item with a class of .box:

<?php if(function_exists('register_sidebars')){

register_sidebars(2, array(
    'id'  =>'sidebar',
    'before_widget'=>'<li class="box">',

So the output goes something like:

Read More
<div class="side">
  <li class="box">
   <div class="textwidget">Lorem ipsum</div>
  <li class="box">
   <ul class="xoxo blogroll">
   <li><a href="http://example.com">Example</a></li>

What I need is a conditional function so that any Links widget (or one with a class of .xoxo) in the sidebars will not get a class of .box because I want to style those and only those differently, and in a way that I can simply change certain styles from inside of .box. The main problem is that I don’t know what function or variables to target with a filter. The codex doesn’t do a good job of classifying less-used global variables and I can’t see anything in the Filter Reference that looks like it should help.

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  1. I coded my own answer together using a filter and dynamic_sidebar_params:

    function io_blogroll_class($params){
     $params[0]['before_widget'] =  '<li class="'.$params[0]['widget_name'].' box">';
     $params[0]['after_widget'] =  '</li><!--'.$params[0]['widget_name'].'-->';
        if ($params[0]['widget_name'] == "Links"){
    $params[0]['before_widget'] =  '<li class="'.$params[0]['widget_name'].'">';
     $params[0]['after_widget'] =  '</li><!--'.$params[0]['widget_name'].'-->';
    return $params;

    The first lines actually override whatever you programmed register_sidebar() or register_sidebars()to put before and after a widget. So you can safely leave that blank in register_sidebar() if you’re using this code. The first lines of the function make the name of the widget (therefore the type) a class of the list item and give a default class of .box to all widgets. The if statement basically says, “If any of the widgets have the class .Links (which they will if they’re a blogroll or linklist) change the XHTML list item tags before and after these widgets to use their widget name as their only class.”

    I hope this code helps a few people who are staring down the same question.