Error: Customer ID is invalid – WooCommerce Rest Api – PHP

When trying to create an order via the WooCommerce Rest Api, I get this error message: Error: Customer ID is invalid.

However the Customer ID is in the request:

Read More
$data = '{
          "order": {
            "status": "processing",
            "customer_id": 36,
            "currency": "",
            "billing_address": {
              "first_name": "",
              "last_name": "",
              "company": "",
              "address_1": "",
              "address_2": "",
              "city": "",
              "state": "",
              "postcode": "",
              "country": "",
              "email": "",
              "phone": ""
            "shipping_address": {
              "first_name": "",
              "last_name": "",
              "company": "",
              "address_1": "",
              "address_2": "",
              "city": "",
              "state": "",
              "postcode": "",
              "country": ""
            "line_items": [
                "id": null,
                "quantity": 1,
                "product_id": 271,
                "id": null,
                "quantity": 3,
                "product_id": 273,

Full code

    $client = new WC_API_Client( '', 'key', 'secret', $options );       
    $data = '{
      "order": {
        "status": "processing",
        "customer_id": 36,
        "currency": "",
        "billing_address": {
          "first_name": "",
          "last_name": "",
          "company": "",
          "address_1": "",
          "address_2": "",
          "city": "",
          "state": "",
          "postcode": "",
          "country": "",
          "email": "",
          "phone": ""
        "shipping_address": {
          "first_name": "",
          "last_name": "",
          "company": "",
          "address_1": "",
          "address_2": "",
          "city": "",
          "state": "",
          "postcode": "",
          "country": ""
        "line_items": [
            "id": null,
            "quantity": 1,
            "product_id": 271,
            "id": null,
            "quantity": 3,
            "product_id": 273,


} catch ( WC_API_Client_Exception $e ) {

    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
    //echo $e->getCode() . PHP_EOL;

    if ( $e instanceof WC_API_Client_HTTP_Exception ) {

        print_r( $e->get_request() );
        //print_r( $e->get_response() );

I did check this post:

And I can confirm that none of the .htacess files have this problem. Or even look like it.

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1 comment

  1. Link only answers are not accepted on SO 🙂 so I’ll provide some explanation. You are using an invalid data structure, please see my answer on the following thread : Woocommerce create order with hebrew text using the api retuns an error

    Correct data structure is given below for your reference. It may be missing some keys, for a full list of key/value pairs that you can pass to the API, see the documentation here :

    $p = $client->orders->create( 
            array (
                'payment_details' => array( 
                    "method_id" => "bacs",
                    "method_title" => "Direct Bank Transfer",
                    "paid" => true
                'billing_address' => array( 
                    "first_name" => "אֱלֹהִ֑ים",
                    "last_name" => "Almighty",
                    "address_1" => "969 Market",
                    "address_2" => "",
                    "city" => "San Francisco",
                    "state" => "CA",
                    "postcode" => "94103",
                    "country" => "US",
                    "email" => "",
                    "phone" => "(555) 555-5555" 
                'shipping_address' => array( 
                    "first_name" => "אֱלֹהִ֑ים",
                    "last_name" => "Almighty",
                    "address_1" => "969 Market",
                    "address_2" => "",
                    "city" => "San Francisco",
                    "state" => "CA",
                    "postcode" => "94103",
                    "country" => "US"
                'line_items' => array(
                        'product_id' => 579,
                        'quantity' => 2                     
                'shippling_lines' => array(
                        'method_id' => 'flat_rate',
                        'method_title' => 'Flat Rate',
                        'total' => 10                   

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